Protect Ya Neck: Enhancing Type Safety of 3rd Party Libraries
Over the last few years I’ve been transitioning most of the software development work I do from dynamic programming languages that offer very little in the way of type safety (Ruby, JavaScript) to ones that offer more (TypeScript, Haskell, PureScript), with plenty of trips back and forth between the two camps. Because the grass is always greener on the other side, it is easy early on to attribute safety to a language and to have an overly simplified, overly generous definition of what safety is. With more experience under my belt, I’ve come to realize that type safety is not a checkbox, but more of a dial, and while the language you use may control how far in either direction that dial goes, it is for better or worse up to the user to turn the knob. While type-safety is supposed to be a tool where a machine assists you in building more reliable software, its effectiveness is still largely controlled by the user’s knowledge and desire to protect themselves and their user. In the immortal words of The Wu:
Aint a damn thing changed boy, protect ya neck.
I may make this a series. Future posts will likely be less rambly and will stick to providing a real world case where the language didn’t automatically protect me, but rather where I recognized I was implementing something risky and chose to protect myself with the tools available.
Example: Externally-Typed Resources
At work we use an instrumentation tool. It is conceptually pretty simple: it provides you with some simple tools to instrument your codes with a few different types of measurements, namely counters and timers. It provides a generic backend interface to allow you to ship the collected metrics off to external services for analysis. It is not unlike the ekg
The interface reminds me a lot of redis. It offers some dead simple types where you specify an arbitrary string key and it stores the data there for later processing. Some pseudo-typed examples are:
-- | Increment a counter stored at the key by 1
incrementI :: String -> m ()
-- | Time a computation and store it as a sampling to key
timeI :: String -> m a -> m a
This is a usable, easy to understand interface for this library to have. You can’t necessarily expect 3rd party libraries to go much beyond this. As a user though, this is completely unsafe. It would be very easy to mix up the keys and accidentally increment a timer or time a counter. Furthermore, if I had to work with the same timer or counter in multiple places in my code, I could easily mistype the key or change it in one place but not somewhere else and screw up my data.
Try GADTs!
I don’t indend to explain GADTs from first principles in this post. Plenty of other sources do that better. What I will explain is why I chose them. GADTs offer some nice properties for solving this problem:
- They can easily represent “phantom” type variables (I.E. type variables representing types that are not actually members of the data structure). This is a great way to lift some information up to the type level and have the type checker do what its good at: keep track of it for you.
- They can join values with disparate phantom types into a single type for the times when you want to deal with them all in one place.
Here’s the code I ended up using
data Counter
data Timer
data Metric a where
RequestTime :: Host -> Path -> Metric Timer
ErrorCount :: Metric Counter
toName :: Metric a -> String
RequestTime h p) = "request-time-" <> h <> ":" <> p
toName (ErrorCount = "error-count"
incrementI :: Metric Counter -> m ()
= I.incrementI (toName c)
incrementI c
timeI :: Metric Timer -> m ()
= I.timeI (toName c) timeI c
This requires the GADTs
and EmptyDataDecls
extensions. Take note of a few things here:
- I use empty data declarations for the metric types. I don’t actually need to construct the value, I use it only at the type level.
- I can use richer types than Strings in each Metric if I want to. This is helpful for both expressiveness and to prevent type mixups.
- I import the underlying library qualified under
and reexport its functions with enriched types. Everywhere in my app I would import this module and not the underlying library. - All of the metrics my application supports are all in one place.
- I wait until the very last second before I use toName, which loses type information.
Another great thing is you can set up this barrier on the other side of the library as well. Say the underlying library provides these functions:
getCounter :: String -> m CounterValue
getTimer :: String -> m TimerValue
We can wrap those up again with our metric type and be sure that we can’t be looking up a timer with a counter’s key or vice versa:
getCounter :: Metric Counter -> m CounterValue
getTimer :: Metric Timer -> m TimerValue